Social work
Counseling services are provided to students who exhibit difficulties in the areas of social, emotional or behavioral development that adversely affect educational performance in accordance with the IEP, 504 Accommodation Plan or student’s educational needs.
Certified school psychologists and certified school social workers provide a range of services including support for all students as well as consultation and collaboration with educators, professionals and parents. School social workers and school psychologists work collaboratively with teachers and administrators to help create safe and supportive school environments, develop and monitor academic and behavioral interventions to enable students to attain educational goals and personal-social well-being, and coordinate community services, outside providers and agency involvement to prevent problems, enhance independence and promote optimal learning.
Psychological services
Ms. Mariah Rae is a certified school psychologist who conducts individual assessments to provide information that is helpful in determining a student’s eligibility for special education and related services and in the development of individual academic and behavioral programs which maximize the student’s achievement and educational success.
Mariah Rae, MA/6th year

The HUGS program (Human Understanding through Growth Services), provided by the State of Connecticut Educational Grant/Primary Project, is a national evidenced-based program that helps children in Pre-K-3rd grade adjust to school, gain confidence, social skills and focus on learning and school success. The Child Associate, a highly trained adult, provides extra support by building a relationship through child-led play. She provides weekly sessions based on encouragement, decision making, and responsibility- all through the use of creative and expressive play. The goal of the program is to enhance the social emotional health of children during their school day and improve their positive feelings about school. For further information, contact Amy Marsalisi.
Amy Marsalisi, Primary Project/HUGS Child Associate