
Central Office: (860) 546-6950

Pupil Services: (860) 546-1040

Transportation: FAX(860) 546-9881

Elementary School: (860) 546-6744

Middle School: (860) 546-9421


Thomas Millerd

Mr. Thomas Millerd

Director of Facilities
(860) 546-9421 x1253


Closed Bids

Non-mandatory pre-bid meeting will convene  in the lobby of the School, 45 Westminster Rd on June 28, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. when project  details will be discussed and questions answered.  Bidders are urged to attend.

Sealed bids will be received in the First Selectman’s Office until 11:00 a.m., Monday, July 9, 2018

Other Important Information